When a Child Dies By Claire Aagaard Media 1 of 1

When a Child Dies By Claire Aagaard

Source Books
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A caring and compassionate grief book for bereaved parents who have lost a child.

"This book is a lovely blend of the author's personal journey with the death of her son and supportive information that can help parents see light amidst the dark."—Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D, CT, author, educator, and grief counselor

Being suddenly thrust into the world of parental grief is like being transported to a foreign land where you don't speak the language. With that in mind, Claire Aagaard has written When a Child Dies in a simple, straightforward manner, offering information, comfort and hope for those who believe that none is possible.

Questions addressed include:
  • Can we survive this?
  • Is it possible to be happy again?
  • Is forgiveness attainable?
  • Can we survive this as a couple?
  • How will this affect our loved ones?
  • Is it okay to be angry with God?
  • How do we cope with birthdays or holidays?
  • Will my grief ever change?
  • What can we do to help? (A chapter for supportive loved ones)
  • Claire has written this book from a unique perspective—that of a professional grief counselor after working with dozens of bereaved parents, and as a parent with her own history of child loss. It is an honest yet gentle guide for grieving parents as well as their family, friends, and loved ones, offering the wisdom from her own personal journey as well as that of countless others.

    "It will not always hurt as much as it does right now. Go slowly, be gentle and forgiving, and choose your path forward with loving intention."—Claire Aagaard