Product Description
It's Penny Hippo's first day of school, and when she arrives with her elephant pal Sal, she's thrilled by what she sees. Lions are playing hopscotch while zebras play tag by the lake. The baboons are jumping rope using a grumpy old snake. School seems to be one fun adventure, but when the popular girls, led by a stylish, long legged ostrich, leave Penny out of their group, Penny's left wondering, 'isn't anything cool about me?' It takes a brush with a big, hungry croc to teach Penny, and all of her schoolmates, what cool really means.
About the Author
Kristen Wells began writing picture books for her children when she was still spending most of her time as a working singer/songwriter. Concerned with all the pressure put upon kids to fit in, even before they enter middle school, Kristen began writing picture books that celebrate each child's special gifts and talents. Her goal is to create books kids love for their fabulous illustrations and engaging stories, with the hidden bonus of supporting them to be just who they are.
Kristen is a co-creator of Share Publishing, a company dedicated to producing picture books that are exciting, entertaining, and build self-esteem. Though still a young company, Share has published five books to date and has seven more in the wings.